Recent planning applications in Clapham - including events on Clapham Common

Below is a list of planning applications in Clapham recently received or decided on by either Wandsworth Council or Lambeth Council depending on which local authority the property falls in.
144 Victoria Rise London Lambeth SW4 0NW
Application for a Non-Material Amendment following a grant of Planning Permission ref : 22/01404/FUL (Conversion of first, second and third floor flat into three flats with formation of a roof terrace for the first floor flat, and the installation of 1 side and 1 rear roof lights together with the provision of cycle and waste stores.) Granted on 07.11.2022.
Permission granted: Tue 30 May 2023
104 Landor Road London SW9 9NX
Application for Prior Approval for the change of use of the ground floor (Use Class E) to 1 self-contained residential flat (Use Class C3).
Awaiting decision. Validated: Wed 17 May 2023
Clapham Common London SW4
Temporary use of Clapham Common for 3 Events (the Open Air Luna Cinema event; the Community Art Colourscape event and the Bavarian Oktoberfest event) taking place between June 2023 and October 2023 comprising a total of 34 Event Days, involving the installation and de-installation of temporary infrastructure including fencing, lighting, Public Address (PA) systems and other temporary structures and ancillary works.
Permission granted: Thu 18 May 2023
8 Francis Bentley Mews London Lambeth SW4 0EG
Replacement of existing skylights in the basement with integrated floor lights and alterations to the ground floor fenestration and the front and rear façade.
Permission granted: Mon 15 May 2023
128 Stonhouse Street London Lambeth SW4 6AL
Approval of details pursuant to condition 15 (Archaeological Evaluation) of planning permission 22/00717/FUL (Redevelopment of the site, involving the demolition of the existing MOT garage/Panel Beating (Use Class B2) and erection of part 1, part 2 and part 3 storeys building to provide 9 residential units (Use Class C3) together with the provision of refuse/cycle store, plus landscaping and a new access) granted on 16.08.2022
Permission granted: Tue 09 May 2023
56 Clapham Common South Side London SW4 9DA
Demolition of the existing building and erection of a new one-bedroom residential building.
Permission granted: Thu 18 May 2023
154 - 164 Clapham High Street And 162 Stonhouse Street London SW4
Replacement of existing windows to the upper floors of 156 to 164 Clapham High Street (Block A) on the Clapham High Street facade.
Awaiting decision. Validated: Thu 11 May 2023
59 The Chase London SW4 0NP
Erection of a single storey outbuilding to the rear of property to Flat 2.
Awaiting decision. Validated: Mon 08 May 2023
59 Leppoc Road London SW4 9LS
Approval of details pursuant to condition 10 (Method of Construction Statement) of planning permission 21/02688/FUL (Demolition of the existing dwelling house and partial basement to allow for the construction of a replacement three storey, 4-bed dwelling house) granted on 12.11.2021
Awaiting decision. Validated: Fri 05 May 2023
Flats 24 To 66 Fenwick Place London SW9 9NW
Partial approval of details pursuant to condition 7 (contamination) of planning permission 20/02374/RG3 (Redevelopment of the site comprising of the demolition of the existing buildings and erection of 4-storey and a 5-storey building to provide 27 residential units (Use Class C3) together with associated landscaping works) granted on 01.03.2021.
Awaiting decision. Validated: Wed 17 May 2023
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