Clapham planning applications: 10 property plans near you - including on Victoria Rise, Clapham Manor Street and Stonhouse Street
By Isabel Millett
14th Mar 2022 | Property of the Week

Clapham Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Clapham recently received or decided on by either Wandsworth Council or Lambeth Council depending on which local authority the property falls in.
Land Adjacent To 156 Stonhouse Street To The Rear Of 154-164 Clapham High Street London SW4 7UG
Erection of a 3 storey building to provide 5 residentials units, together with the provision of communal amenity space and cycle store, the relocation of the substation, and alterations to existing flats A, B and C including blocking windows at 156 Stonhouse Street. (Re-submission). Validate: 21 May 2019. Permission granted: 2 March 2022.
Heathbrook Primary School St Rule Street London LONDON SW8 3EH
Installation of air source heat pumps and solar panels. Validated: 4 March 2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
144 Victoria Rise
Erection of a single storey rear and side extension to the lower ground floor flat, a rear extension with 1.7m high glazed balustrade plus stair to access garden to the ground floor flat. Conversion of the first/ second floor maisonette into 2 residential units (1 x 1 bed and 1 x 2 beds), involving erection of a side extension at second floor level, including rear balconies at first and second floors, together with provision of bikes and bin stores. Validated: 4 March 2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Land Rear Of Cooper Building London SW4 9DX
Approval of details pursuant to condition 12 (asbestos) of planning permission 19/02523/FUL (Redevelopment of the site involving the erection of a one to four storey building containing 36 residential units, associated cycle parking, car parking, waste/recycling storage, amenity space and extended pedestrian footpath along Maud Chadburn Place) granted on 23.10.2020. Validated: 26 January 2022. Permission granted: 2 March 2022.
52 Clapham Manor Street London SW4 6DZ
To crown reduce 1 x Maple tree (T1) by up to 2 metres all around. Validated: 28 January 2022. Permission granted: 9 March 2022.
78 Northcote Road SW11 6QL
Demolition of existing building and erection of a four-storey building to provide 2 x 1-bedroom and 2 x 2-bedroom flats, with rear roof terraces at first and second floor levels with associated cycle and refuse storage including use of the ground floor as a restaurant (Class E(b)). Validated: 07/03/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
35-37 Basement And Ground Floors Battersea Rise SW11 1HG
Details of sound proofing, delivery and servicing plan and refuse pursuant to conditions 3, 6 and 7 of planning permission dated 25/11/2021 ref.2021/3604 [Alterations in connection with change of use from restaurant (Class E) to drinking establishment with expanded food provision (Sui Generis).] Validated. 08/03/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
28 Muncaster Road SW11 6NT
Alterations including demolition of building with exception of front facade. Erection of two-storey dwelling plus enlarged basement and accommodation at roof level, with dormer extension (including French doors and safety railings). Erection of part single/part three storey rear extension. Validated: 07/01/2022. Approve with conditions: 23/02/2022.
The Northcote Library 155 E Northcote Road; Chatham Hall, 152 Northcote Road; Garages West of Chatham Hall, 152 Northcote Road SW11 6HW
Details of site investigation (Site A), piling method statement and risk assessment and trees pursuant to conditions 4, 6 and 28 of planning permission dated 25/03/2020 ref 2018/5833 (The demolition of the two storey library, the single storey plus two storey roof Chatham Hall and the 8 vehicular garages (single storey) and the erection of a four storey building plus the excavation of a basement at the existing library site comprising two commercial units (Use Class A1) split over basement and ground floor levels (approximately 388sq.m) and nine (9) residential units at upper floor levels; the erection of a part one/two/three storey library (Use Class D1) (approximately 848sq.m) fronting onto Northcote Road; the erection of a part two/ three storey building behind the proposed library comprising a community hall (Use Class D1) at ground floor (approximately 301sq.m) and seven (7) residential flats at upper floor levels; 2 car parking spaces and 20 cycle parking spaces; and associated landscaping and infrastructure works.). Validated: 18/03/2021. Approve no conditions: 21/02/2022.
Nightingale Mansions 42 Nightingale Lane SW12 8TN
Details of siting, design and materials of refuse and recycling storage pursuant to conditions 8 of planning permission dated 28/05/2021 ref 2020/4547 ( Alterations including erection of 2 x rear dormers, 3 x side rooflights and a rear rooflight to roof in connection with creation of a 1 x 1-bed/studio flat.) Validated: 24/12/2021. Approve no conditions: 23/02/2022.