The Gallery
The Bread & Roses Theatre
UNTIL Saturday 20th May

The play explores the simple joys and nuances of life, how we relate to each other, our circumstances and the arts. "The Gallery" is a new written play set in a gallery in modern day East London, it revolves around the unveiling of a new piece of art at obscure art gallery. Here we meet the Artist, The Critique, The Old Acquaintance, The Student and The Free-Spirit. As time goes on, series of encounters arise, whereas some people know each other from before, some will get the chance to meet for the first time, while other relationships might come to an end. Welcome to a night at The Gallery!
Cast and Creatives:
Ameline Sorgen - Writer and Director
Kristina Munkova - Writer and Director
Anouk Hufschmid Hirschbuehl - Set and Costume Designer
Technician will be determined soon.
Jeffrey Otame - The Artist
Jack Favero - The Critique
Younes Dean - The Old Acquaintance
Loveday Quarry - The Free-Spirit
Sarim Gillani - The Student
Running time: 45mins approx
Audience warnings: Trigger warnings incl. bad language, adult themes and fighting.