Clapham Common Parkrun needs volunteers

Clapham Common Parkrun Needs Volunteers
Clapham Common parkrun is desperate for volunteers and has appealed to the local community to help keep Clapham running.
Last Saturday hundreds of runners rocked up to Clapham Common to take part in the first parkrun since Covid-19 restrictions forced the event to be cancelled.
With pandemic restrictions having eased and the event back up and running, it might now be a lack of Timekeepers and Marshalls that forces Clapham's parkrun to be cancelled.
Volunteers are fundamental to all parkrun events being able to take place, and while parkrun are adamant there should be no pressure for parkrunners to volunteer, the event can't go ahead without them.
The roster for tomorrow's Clapham Common parkrun still needs volunteers to scan barcodes, manage funnels and photograph the event. Looking further ahead, there are plenty of vacancies still to fill for events in the coming weeks.
Parkrun said: "We know from experience that some people will volunteer regularly while others will seldom or never volunteer.
"It is absolutely our belief that volunteering should be done simply for the pleasure of helping out and for the benefits that are gained from doing so.
"Volunteering at parkrun is an equal form of participation, where the act of volunteering itself is the reward."
The guiding principles to being a Parkrun volunteer are:
- Volunteer for the love of it
- Treat everyone as a friend
- Be kind and respectful
- Unite as a team
- Be reliable, responsible and attentive
- Be helpful and enthusiastic
- Do your best
- Respect our principles
Check out vacancies that need filling on the Clapham Common parkrun roster and learn more about individual by visiting thevolunteering section of the parkrun report site.
If you'd like to take a particular spot, simply email [email protected]
Have a story in Clapham you want to share with us? Email [email protected], call 07742 524 934 or tweet @IssyMillett.
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