Clapham planning applications: 10 property plans near you - including on Clapham Common West Side, Lavender Hill and Alderbrook Road
By Isabel Millett
19th Feb 2022 | Property of the Week

Clapham Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Clapham recently received or decided on by either Wandsworth Council or Lambeth Council depending on which local authority the property falls in.
66 Rodenhurst Road London SW4 8AR
Erection of a single storey ground floor rear extension. Validated: 21 December 2021. Decided: 14 February 2022.
[H3]1A Nelsons Row London SW4 7JR
Approval of details pursuant to conditions 5 (cycle parking), 6 (soft landscaping and tree planting) and 8 (delivery and servicing management plan) of planning permission 18/03676/FUL (Replacement of existing roof over rear artist studio spaces involving raising the height to accommodate new first-floor mezzanine level to provide additional artist studio space with internal lift and stair access, ancillary shop and cafe. External alterations including alterations to existing window openings, replacement entrance doors to Chapel building, demolition of WC block and single-storey extensions to rear and the front boundary walls at Nelsons Row. New entrance gates together with hard and soft landscaping) granted on 07.12.2018. Validated: 14 February 2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
1 The Pavement London SW4 0HY
Approval of details pursuant to conditions 2 (schedule of materials), 5 (refuse storage) & 8 (noise) of planning permission 21/03257/VOC (Variation of conditions 3 (Schedule of materials), 6 (Refuse storage), 8 (Details of roof garden enclosure), 9 (Sound proofing), 10 (Opening hours) & 11 (Delivery hours) of planning permission ref : 09/04185/FUL (Change of use to Use Class A3 (Restaurant) at basement, ground and first floor levels and the creation of one residential unit with accommodation provided in the roof space involving basement excavation and two storey rear addition at ground and first floor levels together with the installation of a new shop front, roof terrace, rear rooflights, fire escape, extraction duct and air conditioning units) granted by appeal ref : APP/N5660/A/10/2135756 on 03/02/2011) granted on 12.11.2021. Validated: 11 February 2022. Status: Awaiting decision.v
Land To The Rear Of 37 Clapham Common North Side London SW4 0RW
[I]Erection of a single-storey 1-bedroom dwellinghouse with a green roof and new entrance gate accessed via Victoria Rise plus the provision of refuse and cycle stores. Validated: 23 December 2021. Refused permission: 16 February 2022.
George West House 2 - 3 Clapham Common North Side London LONDON SW4 0QL
Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission ref 19/03122/FUL (Removal of glazed pavilions and replacement with a rooftop extension to comprise five residential units (Use Class C3) creating a new fourth floor, new lift, replacement windows, cycle storage, refuse storage, disabled parking space, amenity space and associated works. ) granted on 23.07.2021. Validated: 9 December 2021. Decided: 15 February 2022.
41 Marney Road SW11 5EW
Alterations including erection of mansard roof extension to main rear roof including raising ridge by 300mm; formation of roof terrace with steel railings surround above three storey back addition. Validated: 24/12/2021. Decided: 09/02/2022.
16 Thurleigh Avenue SW12 8AW
Erection of a single storey extension to existing garage. Validated: 23/12/2021. Decided: 08/02/2022.
48 Alderbrook Road SW12 8AE
Erection of a single storey rear/side extension. Validated: 23/12/2021. Approved: 07/02/2022.230-236 Mortimer House Ground Floor Lavender Hill SW11 1LE
Installation of replacement shopfront. Validated: 22/12/2021. Approved: 07/02/2022.26 Clapham Common West Side SW4 9AN
London Plane: Fell to ground level and replace with more suitable tree. Reason; tree has out-grown its tight location in the front garden; tree roots cause repeated disruption to surfaces; tree demands an unreasonable extent of maintenance. Validated: 06/08/2021. Refused: 10/02/2022.Share: