Clapham planning applications: Ten decisions about properties near you – including application to demolish 45 Northcote Road
By Isabel Millett
3rd Dec 2021 | Property of the Week

Clapham Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Clapham recently received or decided on by either Wandsworth Council or Lambeth Council depending on the ward the relevant property falls in.
To search the planning application database in the borough of Lambeth, click here. For planning applications in the borough of Wandsworth, click here.
Clapham Common Ward, Lambeth
3 Shaftesbury Mews London SW4 9BP
Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 21/01753/FUL (Erection of a single storey ground floor wrap-around extension and a part two storey side extension, including the conversion of garage into bicycle storage/ home office) granted 19.07.2021. Amendment sought: Adjust the design of the rear extension roof and installation of a front first floor window in the two storey extension. Validated: 15 October 2021. Decided: 29 November 2021.
Clapham Town Ward, Lambeth
3 Princes Close London SW4 0LG
Display of 1 non-illuminated pavement sign at the junction of Princes Close and Old Town. Validated: 30 November 2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
52 The Chase London SW4 0NH
Erection of a single-storey lower ground floor rear extension with green roof; replacement existing painted metal balustrade and balcony from the existing upper ground floor with new glass balustrade and balcony; and excavation to side passage and garden to form lightwell. Validated: 15 November 2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
715-729 Wandsworth Road London SW8 3JF
Approval of details pursuant to condition 2 (specifications and details) of listed building consent ref: 18/00531/LB (Refurbishment of the existing 8 properties, involving rear roof dormer extensions, roofs and chimneys repairs, external works to enable vehicular access by widening the gates and changing the gradient of the driveway to provide level access at the rear, through the regrading of the path and external courtyards, and a new ramp with handrail to access the rear garden together with ancillary stone repairs, and other associated external works). Validated: 4 October 2021. Decided: 29 November 2021.90 Clapham Manor Street London SW4 6EB
Conversion of the garage into habitable room including the replacement of the garage doors with a window, together with erection of a single storey ground floor rear extension. Validated: 8 September 2021. Decided: 25 November 2021.Northcote Ward, Wandsworth
43-45 Northcote Road SW11 1NJ
Partial demolition of existing three storey building and erection of five storey building to provide 5 residential units and use of ground floor as Class E floorspace with associated access, cycle and refuse storage, private amenity space and plant enclosure to rear. Validated: 02/12/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.Brickwood Café Basement and Ground Floors 21 Battersea Ruse SW11 1HG[.L
Variation of conditions 1 and 2 pursuant to planning permission dated 15/09/2006 ref 2006/3022 (Use of the ground floor and basement area for mixed retail/cafe (class A1/A3) purposes, including use of the front forecourt area for external seating) to allow fixed tables in the rear courtyard providing a maximum of 16 customers and changing the hours of operation to weekdays 0800-1700 and Saturday and Sunday 0900-1700. Validated: 23/11/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
[L][L+]Maisonettes 16 Broomwood Road SW11 6HT
Alterations including erection of side roof extension and rear roof extension. Erection of a single storey rear/side extension. Excavation to enlarge basement including formation of front lightwell. Validated: 14/10/2021. Approved with Conditions: 26/11/2021.
Nightingale Ward, Wandsworth
1 Baldwin Road and 125 Thurleigh Road SW11 6AW
Alterations including erection of dormer roof extension to main rear roof and extension over the back addition, excavation to enlarge basement with front and rear lightwells. Alterations and partial demolition of no. 1 Baldwin Road in connection with its incorporation as an ancillary single-storey outbuilding to main dwelling house at 125 Thurleigh Road. Validated: 30/11/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
Latchmere Ward, Wandsworth
Land North of Grant Road 10 Grant Road Clapham Junction SW11 2NR
Details of contamination remediation for block B of the development, including the MUGA, pursuant to part B of condition 18 of planning permission ref. 2017/6864 dated 01/08/18 ("Demolition works and construction of three buildings ranging from 6 to 20 storeys in height comprising mixed use development including a total of 139 residential units (Class C3), a 5175sqm School (Class D1) and Chapel (Class D1) and 219 sqm of flexible commercial uses (Class A1, A2, A3, B1, D1 and D2) together with landscaping, play area and open space, a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), car parking and the realignment of Thomas Baines Road and other associated works."). Validated: 25/11/2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
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