Clapham planning applications: Ten property plans near you - including new Veterinary Clinic on Northcote Road
By Isabel Millett
5th Jan 2022 | Property of the Week

Clapham Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Clapham recently received or decided on by either Wandsworth Council or Lambeth Council depending on the ward the relevant property falls in.
To search the planning application database in the borough of Lambeth, click here. For planning applications in the borough of Wandsworth, click here.
Clapham Town Ward, Lambeth
9 Rectory Grove London SW4 0DX
Basement excavations and increased basement ceiling height. Installation of new crittal doors to rear lightwell, new high-level window to rear basement, and new walk-on rooflights and associated garden landscaping (Retrospective application). Validated: 11 October 2021. Decided: 23 December 2021.
50 Clapham High Street London SW4 7UL
Temporary formation of a roof terrace at first floor level on the flat roof of the single storey front extension in association with the bar/restaurant use for a period of 24 months, and the permanent installation of an access staircase and a fully glazed pitched rooflight. (Retrospective). Validated: 1 October 2021. Decided: 23 December 2021.
55-57 Old Town London SW4 0JQ
Provision of outdoor seating area to serve restaurant in Wingate Square consisting of 9 tables and 18 chairs. Validated: 23 June 2021. Decided: 23 December 2021.
Clapham Common Ward, Lambeth
Site of 12 Rodenhurst Road
Redevelopment of the site to provide a 4-storey building (including lower ground floor level) to provide 9 residential units (Use Class C3) comprising 3 x 1-bed, 4 x 2-bed and 2 x 3-bed and provision of cycle and refuse stores, private amenity space with associated hard and soft landscaping. Validated: 27 May 2021. Decided: 10 December 2021.
44 Clapham Common South Side London SW4 9BU
Demolition of existing buildings and re-development of the site incorporating the erection of six buildings comprised of basement and lower ground floor levels, ranging from four to 10 storeys above ground, landscaped gardens, public square, car parking and associated works; for a mixed use scheme comprised of a waste transfer facility at basement level, B1 office accommodation and A3 café; and the provision of residential units granted on 29.03.2018. Amendments sought include:
Reduction in overall height in buildings A, B, C and D with exception of three areas - middle of building A, book end of building C and Building D; Rationalisation of the ceiling voids and reduction in floor to ceiling heights within all buildings to facilitate additional floors within buildings C, D, E and F; Relocation of 6 residential units from level 02 and 9 residential units from level 03 of building E, relocated to building C and D; Amendments to elevations and internal layouts of all buildings; Additional 4,429sqm flexible Office space (E(g)(i) created (Building E and F). Including plant on Building F relocated and replaced with additional floor for office use; Alterations and Extensions to Buildings E & F including extensions to floors 1-5; Site levels altered across basement reduced and Car parking spaces reduced from 38 to 32; Reduction in size of Waste Transfer facility from 1196sqm (GIA) to 1164sqm (as approved). Original applicated validated: 1/06/2020. Amendments decided: 23 December 2021.Shaftesbury Ward, Wandsworth
Land at the Back of 14 Stormont Road SW11 5EN
Erection of a two-storey (plus basement) house with roof terrace. Validated: 15/12/2021. Status: Awaiting decision.Northcote Ward, Wandsworth
176 Northcote Road SW11 6RE
Details of Waste Storage and Noise insulation pursuant to conditions 3 and 4 of planning permission dated 18/04/2019 ref 2019/0851 (Change of use from shop (Class A1) to Veterinary Clinic (Use D1). Validated: 23/12/2021. Status: Awaiting decision.48 Muncaster Road SW11 6NU
Alterations including erection of an extension above two-storey back addition; Replacement roof to single storey rear/side extension; Excavation to form basement and formation of a front lightwell with grille over. Validated: 21/12/2021. Status: Awaiting decision.[.I]Balham Ward, Wandsworth
34 and 36 Thurleigh Road SW12 8UD
Demolition of one semi-detached and one detached dwellings and erection of three -storey (plus basement) 4-bedroom semi-detached dwellings. Validated: 28/07/2021. Decided: 22/12/2021153 Broomwood Road SW11 6JU
Alterations including erection of hip to gable side roof extension and rear roof extension and erection of part single, part two-storey rear/side and front extension ; formation of roof terrace above two-storey side addition with 1.10m high screen surround. Excavation to enlarge basement including formation front and rear lightwell. Validated: 27/10/2021. Refused: 15/12/2021. Have a story local to Clapham you want to share with us? Email [email protected], call 07742 524 934 or tweet @IssyMillett. Find all the latest news from your local area by following Clapham Nub News on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.Share: