Clapham planning applications: Ten property plans near you in Wandsworth and Lambeth - with a problematic Magnolia tree overdue a trim
By Isabel Millett
31st Jan 2022 | Property of the Week

Clapham Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Clapham recently received or decided on by either Wandsworth Council or Lambeth Council depending on which local authority the property falls in.
5 Old Town London SW4 0JT
Change of Use from Use Class E to Sui Generis to trade as nail bar and beauty salon. Alterations to front elevation. (Retrospective application). Validated: 18 November 2021. Decided: 27 January 2022.
The Stonhouse 165 Stonhouse Street SW4
Single-storey extension of existing rear external fire escape staircase; new door to serve extended staircase (in place of existing window); new second floor window, relocation of existing hanging sign; replacement of uPVC windows with traditional timber frame sash windows on front elevation; and associated works. Validated: 21 October 2021. Decided: 14 January 2022.
83 The Chase London SW4 0NR
Erection of 1-storey rear extension at lower ground floor level, lowering the floor and removing external staircase; rear mansard roof extension with balcony and solar panels; front dormer and installation of a front roof light.
Front facade of property refurbishment, replacement of: windows and doors with double glazed units; rear balcony structure at ground floor; reinstatement to front boundary wall with new gate and iron railings, provision of refuse store, along with other associated works. Validated: 19 January 2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Plot 64 – 68 Rectory Grove
Erection of three mid-terrace 3 storey dwellinghouses with basement levels, lightwells and rear dormers, including the provision of refuse and cycle stores to the rear with a new entrance access from Rectory Gardens, 20/01664/FUL permission granted on 30.10.2020.
Approval of details pursuant to discharge of condition 12 (Water usage calculation). Validated: 4 January 2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
24 Northbourne Road London SW4 7DJ
To stop lorries hitting the branches, for general maintenance of the tree at a smaller size: Holm Oak (x1) - Crown lift to 5m over the road. for general maintenance of the tree at a smaller size: Magnolia grandiflora - Reduce height by 2m and width by 1-1.5m. Validated: 30 November 2021. Decided: 19 January 2022.
44-46 Alfriston Road SW11 6NN
Demolition of existing houses and erection of 2 x three-storey (plus basement) terraced houses and associated single-storey outbuildings, landscaping and boundary treatment) amendment to planning permission 25/11/2021 ref 2021/3791 to allow submission of details pursuant to conditions 4 and 14 to exclude demolition. Validated: 24/01/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Flat Ground Floor 145 Bennerley Road SW11 6DX
Alterations including erection of single storey side and rear extension. Validated: 20/01/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
12 Grandison Road SW11 6LW
Alterations including erection of extension above stwo store back addition, single storey rear extension and excavation to create basement with formation of front lightwell. Validated: 17/01/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
1 - 6 Cherwell Mews SW11 1AF
Determination as to whether prior approval is required for alterations including erection of three-storey side extension and additional storey in connection with the creation of 1x1 bedroom and 1x2 bedroom flats with roof terraces. Validated: 13/01/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Telephone Box outside 80-86 St Johns Road
Removal of two existing telephone boxes and installation of freestanding 'Street Hub' phone and web communications structure with double sided illuminated digital advertisement panel. Validated: 13/01/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
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