Clapham planning applications: Ten property plans near you in Wansdworth - including huge Grant Road development
By Isabel Millett
24th Jan 2022 | Property of the Week

Clapham Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Clapham recently received or decided on by Wandsworth Council.
57 Roseneath Road SW11 SAG
Erection of mansard roof extension to main rear roof and associated alterations. Validated: 23/11/2021. Refused: 05/01/2022.
62 Clapham Common North Side SW4 9SB
Demolition of existing timber fence and gate, and erection of a brick wall and railings with brick piers to a maximum of 2.2m high. Validated: 21/10/2021. Decided: 06/01/2022.
Basement and Ground Floor 26 Lavender Hill SW11 5RN
Details of screening to the eastern and western sides of the proposed roof terrace pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission dated 07/08/2020 ref: 2020/1725 (Variation of condition 3 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 02/10/2015 ref 2015/3861 (Alterations including excavation to enlarge basement; erection of part single/part two-storey rear/side extensions with formation of balconies at ground and first floor levels in connection with the creation of 2x1 bedroom self-contained flats.) to increase size of flat and reduce size of shop at basement level). Validated: 20/12/2021. Decided: 06/01/2022.
69 Alderbrook Road SW12 8AD
Alterations including formation of bay windows to first floor front elevation. Erection of a roof extension to main roof including raising the ridge by 500mm, a single storey side rear extension and excavation to enlarge basement including formation of front lightwell. Validated: 07/12/2021. Decided: 07/01/2022.
59 Roseneath Road SW11 6AG
Erection of mansard roof extension to main rear roof and associated alterations. Validated: 23/11/2021. Refused: 05/01/2022.
63 Clapham Common North Side SW4 9SB
Replacement of the existing front boundary fence with a new railing-topped brick front boundary wall. Validated: 29/11/2021. Decided: 10/01/2022.
Flat First Floor B 37 Nansen Road SW11 5NS
[I]Alterations including formation of roof terrace above two-storey back addition with 1.7m high screen surround. Validated: 29/11/2021. Decided: 10/01/2022.
83 Mallinson Road SW11 1BL
Alterations including erection of single-storey rear/side extension. Validated: 26/11/2021. Decided: 12/01/2022.
Flat Ground Floor 102 Clapham Common North Side SW4 9SQ
Erection of single storey side/rear extension and installation of flue to rear of back addition. Validated: 26/11/2021. Decided: 14/01/2022.
Land North of Grant Road 10 Grant Road Clapham Junction SW11
Details of contamination remediation for block B of the development, including the MUGA, pursuant to part B of condition 18 of planning permission ref. 2017/6864 dated 01/08/18 ("Demolition works and construction of three buildings ranging from 6 to 20 storeys in height comprising mixed use development including a total of 139 residential units (Class C3), a 5175sqm School (Class D1) and Chapel (Class D1) and 219 sqm of flexible commercial uses (Class A1, A2, A3, B1, D1 and D2) together with landscaping, play area and open space, a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), car parking and the realignment of Thomas Baines Road and other associated works."). Validated: 25/11/2021. Decided: 07/01/2022.
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