Clapham planning applications: Ten property plans near you in Wandsworth and Lambeth
By Isabel Millett
16th Jan 2022 | Property of the Week

Clapham Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Clapham recently received or decided on by either Wandsworth Council or Lambeth Council depending on the ward the relevant property falls in.
To search the planning application database in the borough of Lambeth, click here. For planning applications in the borough of Wandsworth, click here.
71 Northcote Road SW11 6PJ
Use of ground floor commercial unit as Class E(a) (Display or retail sale of goods, other than hot food). Validated: 15/10/2021. Decided: 07/01/2022.
Basement and Ground Floor 26 Lavender Hill London SW11 5RN
Details of screening to the eastern and western sides of the proposed roof terrace pursuant to condition 4 of planning permission dated 07/08/2020 ref: 2020/1725 (Variation of condition 3 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 02/10/2015 ref 2015/3861 (Alterations including excavation to enlarge basement; erection of part single/part two-storey rear/side extensions with formation of balconies at ground and first floor levels in connection with the creation of 2x1 bedroom self-contained flats.) to increase size of flat and reduce size of shop at basement level). Validated: 20/12/2021. Decided: 06/01/2022.
62 Clapham Common North Side SW4 9SB
Demolition of existing timber fence and gate, and erection of a brick wall and railings with brick piers to a maximum of 2.2m high. Validated: 21/10/2021. Decided: 06/01/2022.
114 Alderbrook Road SW12 8AA
Alterations including removal of chimney stacks, erection of a roof extension to main rear roof and a two storey rear side extension. Validated: 19/11/2021. Decided: 31/12/2021.
Bowling Green Square SW12 8JT
Submission of details pursuant related to Section 106 agreement dated 15/03/2019 ref 2018/1741 (The demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the former bowls green (Use Class D2) and erection of a two storey building plus basement and roof level accommodation providing 18 residential units (Use Class C3) comprising market housing; erection of a two storey building plus roof level accommodation providing 10 residential units (Use Class C3) comprising affordable housing; 17 car parking spaces and 52 cycle parking spaces; and associated infrastructure works). Validated: 30/12/2021. Status: Awaiting decision.{.I]
The Belle Vue 1 Clapham Common South Side SW4 7AA
Change of use of the manager's flat (Sui Generis Use) to a self-contained residential unit (Class C3 Use). Validated: 7 January 2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Brook House 47 - 48 Clapham Common South Side London SW4 9BX
Erection of a single storey ground floor rear extension onto existing raised terrace (Flat 2). Validated: 17 November 2021. Decided: 10 January 2022.
24 Crescent Grove London SW4 7AH
Re: Tree Surgery at 24 Crescent Grove. Rear Garden: 1. Unknown species. Reduce re-growth back to previous reduction points. Validated: 26 October 2016. Decided: 6 January 2022.
1 Rectory Gardens London SW4 0EE
Approval of details pursuant to condition 3 (windows and doors) of planning permission 18/04447/FUL (Excavation and formation of a basement level to create a habitable room and a rear lightwell with balustrade. Removal of a rear window and the insertion of French doors. Removal of side French doors and the insertion of windows) granted on 24.12.2018. Validated: 26 November 2021. Decided: 6 January 2022.
83 The Chase London SW4 0NR
Rear Garden. False Acacia - fell as self seeded and outgrown location. Validated: 18 October 2021. Decided: 10 January 2022.
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